Monday 8 September 2014

Cotton Candy Grapes - The Verdict


If you haven't heard of Cotton Candy Grapes, where have you been?! They've been all over Twitter, YouTube and Instagram... and yes, they do really exist!

"not genetically engineered or artificially flavoured"
How are they made? They have not genetically engineered or artificially flavoured the grapes, but have used pollination techniques to create this unique flavour! So, they genuinely are grapes, and they actually (sort of) taste like the good-old Candy Floss you get at summer fun fairs and carnivals!

"'WAIIITTT!', paced it to the fruit isle... searching all over for the green grapes with 'Cotton Candy' written on..."
I went to my local Tesco yesterday and only when I was at the till did I remember about the Cotton Candy Grapes. So, obviously, I said 'WAIIITTT!', paced it to the fruit isle and was searching all over for the green grapes with 'Cotton Candy' written on the package. To my delight, they were there! At £2.50 for the punnet, I was delighted. You can bet I opened it as soon as I got in the car!

"get excited: there's going to be tropical flavour grapes next!"
Instantly, the taste of candy floss came into my mouth. The taste doesn't last the whole time you're eating the grape, but the initial taste is candy floss. Having said that, some grapes taste more candy-flossy than others.

Overall, it's a lovely idea! Oh, and get excited: there's going to be tropical flavour grapes next!
What do you think about Cotton Candy Grapes, or do you think it's over-rated? 

PS. these grapes are available in Waitrose, M&S, Tesco, Sainsbury's and Asda.