Monday 9 December 2013

Rebecca Black - Saturday… What do you think?


It's Friday, Friday, gonna get down on Fridayyyyyyy!! Well, technically it's Monday. Anyway, I'm sure you recognise that song, if not, where have you been?!
Anyway, so Miss Rebecca Black got famous for her song 'Friday' which has 60,000,000 + views! Crazy, right?!

Well, to prove to everyone that Rebecca has got talent, she released a new song…. yes, it's called Saturday and no it doesn't go like 'Saturday, Saturday, gonna get down on Saturdayyyy' - it's very different actually!
Check it out:

I don't think it's that bad - it proves the Rebecca has a good voice too! Maybe it's this years christmas party song.. and will be playing everywhere?! Well, it certainly won't beat 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer'! 
What do you think, is it better than 'Friday'?