Friday 29 November 2013

Sunshine Blogger Award


Even though it's almost December now, with temperatures really cold and not much sun in sight, I got nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Yay! I got nominated by Lindsey and in her own words "The Sunshine Award is given to bloggers who bring sunshine to the blogging world." so, thank you for thinking that I bring sunshine to the blogging world!

The Rules:
1. Post 11 random facts about yourself
2. Answer 11 questions from the nominating blogger.
3. Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers, that you feel bring sunshine to the blogging world. Be sure to notify them.
4. Write 11 questions for your nominated bloggers.
*Don’t forget to acknowledge the nominating blogger.
11 Random Facts about me:
     1. I need fragrance things in every room (ie. Candles)
     2. I'm in my silky soft robe 90% of the time I'm at home
     3. I love the colour Pink 
     4. I am the only girl in my first cousins
     5. I dance and performed at a theatre 2 weeks ago
     6. I used to be a tom boy when I was younger and can now probably not be any more of a girly girl!
     7. I am finding this quite hard! I can't think of 11 random facts! haha!
     8. I prefer chocolate over sweets
     9. I love baking but don't get to do it a lot
    10. I love reading
    11. I've always loved writing and had never dreamed that I'd start a blog: it was totally random but I love it so much!

Her Questions:
    1. What is your favorite book?
I loved Me Before You and find I am constantly trying to look for books like it - however, that was a recent read and I don't really remember all the books I have read and remember. Although, when I was about 10 years old I read 'Dragon Rider' which I was so proud of reading because it's so big! It wasn't a bad book, either! (she spelt favourite wrong - it's not spelt like that in the UK! haha!)

   2. What's the one beauty item you cannot do without?
Mascara. I wear mascara almost everyday. If nothing else, I just put of a few coats of mascara and run out the door - it makes the world of a difference!

   3. Coffee or Tea?
Tea! I rarely have coffee at home and only when I'm out and feel like getting a Starbucks. If I have coffee in the morning I get headaches so I have chai tea lattes on most days! 

   4. What is your favorite season?
FALL. I love fall, the weather is perfect as it's sunny yet not too hot and I find I can cosy up and I find that it always feels like Golden Hour. The leaves also turn golden and ahhh it's just wonderful! 

   5. If you could tell your 18 year old self anything, what would it be?
Well, I'm 17, turning 18 next year but I'd probably tell myself to keep moving forwards, keep your head held high and stay positive, be kind and be happy.

   6. What is your dream vacation destination?
I LOVE the idea of New York and LA. I sometimes feel I've been born in the wrong country and am an American at heart! Although, I love the city of London that I live in and then feel that I am also British at heart, so I don't really know! haha! But I would love to go to New York - even though I've been there for an hour as I had a stop over on the way to Florida - but that doesn't count!

   7. What is your favourite online shop?
Boots. I love the way it is set out and so easy to use. It's also great for checking the prices without having to go to store and search for the item! However, I rarely actually buy anything from there but go to the actual store to. I do buy a lot from Amazon as it has everything and anything and BeautyBay has great deals!

   8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I find I kind of mentioned this in Q6, but I would either live in New York or Central London - as I prefer slightly colder climates to extremely hot ones, these would be my choices!

   9. It's Christmas time, do you prefer eggnog or hot cocoa?
Well, I've never had eggnog before but I have Hot Cocoa all the time and LOVE IT! So, technically I prefer it but would love to try eggnog.

  10. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?
Getting good grades was a great accomplishment yet it doesn't feel real. I was featured in a local newspaper for it and many people congratulated me however, it still hasn't hit me yet that it happened!

  11. What is your guilty pleasure?
Sitting at home being completely unproductive, watching YouTube videos/movies/tv shows with a cup of Hot Chocolate and biscuits - what more could a girl need?! haha! 

My Nominees:

My Questions:
 1. A staple in your wardrobe?
 2. A beauty product do you keep repurchasing?
 3. What's on your christmas list?
 4. Your favourite winter scent/smell
 5. A TV show are you obsessed with?
 6. Your favourite movie?
 7. Your go-to food item?
 8. What MUST you do everyday before you sleep everyday?
 9. First thing you check in the morning? (ie. Twitter, FaceBook etc.)
 10. One word to describe you
 11. Your favourite quote

That's it! If you want to do this tag, consider yourself tagged by me and I'd love to hear your responses to the Questions! When you've done it, let me know!

So, tell me: One word to describe you