Monday 11 November 2013

What Your Hat Says About You


This time of year brings out the hats: knit, beanie, dappy hats – you name it! So, at first glance what do these various types of hat represent?

1.  Fedora
This clean edge brown fedora straight away represents class. A sort of old English, 1900’s thought is brought to mind when this hat is seen. It can also bring about a bohemian vibe, depending on how you’re wearing it and what you’re wearing it with. With this hat a sense of priority and somewhat power is bought along – so if you want to seem fancy, go for a fedora!

Links on where to buy:

2.  Fur Hat
This particular style of hats reminds me of the Russians. Russians being in the colder climates would generally be more associated with Fur. This type of hat is actually called a “Traditional Cossack Hat” and was originally made from sheep skin – oh the luxury! This hat brings an atmosphere of high-fashion with it and cannot go wrong by pairing it with a knit jumper – just to add with the cosiness of the fur!

3. Beanies
This seems to be the go-to for the winter months for many people. It brings about a sense of comfort and what I call “sweatpants style” – and in this case a bit of hipster too. The beanies with words and slogans like “Swag”, “You can’t sit with us” and “Killin’ It” seem to be everywhere, oh and I’ve even seen one with “Gnarly” on it, which I’m not too fond of! Beanies are great for the can’t-be-bothered-to-do-my-hair kind of days or days when you’re just not having a GHD* no matter what you do or try!

So, yes, I agree that hat’s can amp up any style and make any outfit stand out, as well as providing good protection to your head (in some cases, anyway) but if you’re trying to portray a certain style, be careful on the hat you choose!

PS. Check out this post for this seasons Clothing Trends, lookbooks and outfit ideas! 

*GHD = Good Hair Day
Source: Images from topshop