Monday 27 April 2015

Massage – Techniques and History | GUEST POST

Just a quick forward before we get onto the post: this is actually a guest post from the Spa themselves. Who better know about massages than the ones that provide them, hey? 
I hope you enjoy it and who knows, you might learn a thing or two, I know I did!
:D x

Massage is a health treatment that was around for quite a while. Even the ancient Egyptians used it as a way to relieve stress and to increase the overall function and strength of the body. Today, it is one of the best practices for dealing with numerous physical problems and issues. It has become an important part of modern culture and many people use it for relaxation. Massage has a particularly good therapeutic effect. It helps us to increase our metabolism and eliminate all the toxins which are stored within our body. Besides that, it is good for lymphs, blood, it helps with the reduction of swellings and improves the trophic of the tissue. First and foremost, it influences our skin, given that the pressure is put on it, by removing epidermal cells and it increases secretion activity of glands as well as elasticity of the skin. Besides that, it has a special, analgesic impact. In other words, it reduces the pain. Furthermore, it reduces the stress and fatigue; it has a relaxing and spasmolytic effect. Also, it increases the circulation of blood in body and reduces future fatigue. If you ever wish to have a good massage, Uptown Spa & Beauty salon is just the place for you.

Basic techniques for massage are effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapoment and vibration. We always apply one of these moves but the massage always starts and ends with effleurage. People usually start taking massage in order to resolve many issues with their body such as lumbar and cerebral syndromes, neuralgias and neuritis, posttraumatic contraction of the wrists, local swelling, injuries of the ligaments and muscles, different paralysis, arthritis etc. Side effects of the massage might be bleeding, tumors, skin diseases, acute diseases and inflammations.

As previously mentioned, massage is the older, known to man, physical therapy. Its origin is unknown. Some say that it originates from Arabic word Mas which means gentle pressure. Other sources say that it is from Greek word massein which means to squeeze. It is possible that the French invented it because in French language word masser means to rub in. At the beginning of the fifth century, Greek physician Hypocrite, known as the father of medicine, wrote that it is possible to fasten loose joint with rubbing and to loosen the joints which are too stiff. Besides that, he discovered that the massage can influence the muscle and bone tissue and influence the growth. Galen, physician of the Roman emperor, prescribed massage to injured gladiators but also as a part of preparation for arena fights. In ancient Rome, it was used in medical, sports and combat purposes as well as in daily life. Romans nurtured hedonism and everything that pleased their senses. So, in that regard, it is no wonder that massage was so popular in their culture. Even the great Julius Cesar was treated with the massage and it was regarded that it helped a lot with his epilepsy. Unfortunately, during medieval times, it was deemed as unfit way of treating people. But in renaissance it resurged and progressed up until today when it is commonly used.