Friday 17 July 2015

August 2015 Free Printable | CALENDAR


"you need a calendar to make sure nothing clashes, that you plan your days wisely"

How is the 8th month of the year starting very soon? It's crazy! Nonetheless, it's probably the most looked forward to month, it's the month of SUMMER. Filled with trips to the beach, pool and planning picnics and spending time with family and friends. With all of that going on, you need a calendar to make sure nothing clashes, that you plan your days wisely. Oh, and it is completely okay to plan a DO NOTHING day - not everyday has to be busy just because it's summer, right? :)


As always, the calendar is absolutely free, so go ahead and click the button. A PDF will be saved so should be easy to print out. I went with a cute deep pink/red shade with blue, because well why not? 
I hope you enjoy all 31 days of the month, whether they be a chilled, do nothing day or a super busy go-go-go day! 

Have you got any super exciting plans for the month of August?