Monday 25 May 2015

G.B.F, Gay Best Friend | MOVIE


"a feel-good, humorous film that was super fun to watch!"

If you've seen this post, you'd know I'm a bit of a Netflix fan. Hey, I'm a LOT OF A Netflix fan. Not only because of the incredible quality, but also because of how easy it is to access on the telly.

I have a few shows that I like to keep up with on there, i.e. PLL, but then there are times when I fancy a movie. They don't have the newest of films, and some of which I've never heard of, but it's nice to click on a title I wouldn't have if it didn't exist on Netflix. This was one of them.
G.B.F was the title and I had no idea what it was about. Sure, there was a little description, but who really reads them anyway (okay, I do but this was not one of those times!)? Well, "why click it then?" you ask, because Allison from PLL is in it and I thought I'd give it a shot.

I didn't know G.B.F stood for Gay Best Friend, and the movie was about the first guy in a high school in America to come out. It wasn't a serious documentary or anything, it was a feel-good, humorous film that was super fun to watch!

The protagonist is gay and accidentally came out. He wasn't ready for the entire school to know, as he was one of those people that like to stay on the DL, but it all happened so fast and before he knew it, he was one of 'the populars'.

It's a typical high school drama, American chick flick kinda film and I really enjoyed it. In the world we live in where homosexuals are able to finally feel comfortable, which they should, it's nice to see it from a different perspective. Don't get me wrong, I don't really have much to say in this whole debate, and I wasn't planning to watch an entire film about it, but I do agree that every one deserves to be whoever they want to be, and it shouldn't be much more complicated than that. I don't even know why it is - just let people be.

Anyway, it's a movie that's super light-hearted, feel good and will make you laugh - what more could one ask for? Sure it may not be the best movie of all time, but if you're looking for a simple movie that's readily available on Netflix (and you're a PLL fan), give this a shot!

Tell me, what do you look for in a movie?