Wednesday 16 April 2014

Purchase of the Week: Aussie Miracle Hair Insurance

Is it really a Miracle?!
 This week has been filled with a lot of buying, although my wallet may not be so fond of it, I hope my hair is! Do you find that there are periods in your life that your hair is just not working for you? Well, I felt this is that period for me at the moment! I mean, I've tried different products to see what my hair likes, for example Almond Oil on damp hair, but something just doesn't feel right - so it was time to try something new.

Even the name on the bottle is telling you and I that this product is a miracle - let's just hope it lives up to it's name! I used it this morning and my hair does feel like frizzy already!
I previously have tried the Aussie 'Luscious Long Leave-In Conditioner' and remember being it love with it - but can't remember why I didn't buy it afterwards. That product had the most amazing smell. It lingered throughout the day too, and was definitely a mood lifter! I searched for about 10 minutes for that product but they didn't have it in store, so I just went with this one. I was hoping for the same/similar effect with this Aussie product but didn't find that this was the case - I wish it had been!

Overall, so far so good. Considering that I've only tried the product once so far, I don't think there is enough opinions about it to justify if I'd repurchase, but I shall keep you updated!

What is your miracle hair product?!